Bilingualism may delay the onset of Dementia

Research led by Dr. Ellen Bialystok has provided evidence that being bilingual protects the brain from dementia. The old adage "Use it or lose it" has once again been shown relevant to the health of the mind.

Learning Esperanto is one of the easiest routes to becoming bilingual, since Esperanto was carefully planned to be easy to learn and is generally considered to be four times easier to learn than any national language. Find out more.

This website has links to many resources for learning Esperanto. You can also request more information about Esperanto with our quick online form.

An excellent introduction to Esperanto is the book Learning and Using the International Language by David Richardson, which can be purchased through our bookstore by clicking here or from

This exciting research has been widely reported:


Bilingualism can delay dementia

Being bilingual 'protects the brain'

Dr. Bialystok's page at York University contains a link to a sample of her technical research papers.